Silent Sunday
When God does not answer
In this reflection I want to explore what it means when God does not answer our prayers, and what this means for our spiritual journey.
Opening music:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything changes, I alone remain.
Hold patience, for nothing is wasted,
Presence in all things, I'm with you in all things.
Introduction Talk:
Quiet Prayer
You can choose between a ten minute or twenty minute guided prayer, using the links below.
Listen to the following music as an ending to the time of prayer:
Let nothing trouble you
Let nothing frighten you
For everything passes
But God will never change
Patient endurance
Will obtain everything
Whoever has God
Wants for nothing at all
God alone is enough
God alone is enough
Whoever has God
Wants for nothing at all
So let nothing trouble you
Let nothing frighten you
For everything passes
But God will never change
Patient endurance
Will obtain everything
Whoever has God
Wants for nothing at all
God alone is enough
God alone is enough
Whoever has God
Wants for nothing at all
Sacred Reading:
Read the following readings through twice or three times, with an attitude of open receptivity. Allow a few minutes of silence between the readings. Listen for any words that call out to you, or that draw you into the sacredness of silence that is deeper than your usual knowing:
Reading 1:
... the silence in the mind
is when we live best, within
listening distance of the silence we call God ...
It is a presence, then,
whose margins are our margins;
that calls us out over our own fathoms.
What to do, but to draw a little nearer
to such ubiquity by remaining still?
~ RS Thomas
Reading 2: Psalm 62 extracts
For You alone my soul waits in silence; my hope is from the Beloved.
Enfolding me with strength and steadfast love, my faith shall remain firm.
In the Silence rests my freedom and my guidance;
for You are the Heart of my heart, You speak to me in the Silence.
Trust in Love at all times, O people, pour out your heart to the Beloved;
let Silence be a refuge for you.
~ Adapted by Nan Merrill
For Further Reflection:
Below are the quotes from the talk and some additional quotes for you to take this theme further.
Matthew 16:25
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it,
but whoever loses their life for me will find it.
Pema Chodron:
Whatever it is you are doing, ... the sacredness, the expansiveness, the stillness, stays with you.
Ramana Maharshi:
Let what comes come, let what goes go, find out what remains.
Matthew 28:20
Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
St Theresa of Avilas:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
Ending Prayer:
For You alone our souls wait in silence; our hope is from the Beloved.
Enfolding us with strength and steadfast love,
Our refuge and Source of life.
In the Silence rests our clarity, our freedom and our guidance;
May we carry this Silence into our world
As a healing balm for others;
May the blessings of the Great Silence go with us as we help to
rebuild the heart of the world with love!
Ending music:
Song lyrics:
Ever so gently your Spirit calls to all who hear
Ever so gently the sound of your voice, quiet yet clear
Day and night to the ends of the earth,
The skies pour forth speech.
There’s no place your voice isn’t heard,
Your patience astounds me!
CH: Your voice is the sweetest of sounds
It's the purest of life giving rain
Your voice is the calm in the storm
It's the whisper of love that remains
Ever so gently I hear your voice, pulling me near
Ever so gently, your word of life stronger than fear
If I turn away from your heart,
Turn to hide in my shame.
You speak truth in love’s patient way,
Your gentleness breaks me!
Your voice …
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Sharon's book that was previously called "Contemplative Living" has been republished by AnamChara Books under the title "Deeper: Finding the Depth Dimension Beneath the Surface of Life". The Kindle version is available from Amazon, and the hard copy version can be ordered from or Takealot, or from your local bookshop through Ingram Distribution.