Silent Sunday
Held in Tenderness
In this Silent Sunday we will explore the theme of being held in tenderness beneath the surface turmoil of our minds. I invite you to join in with the music, readings, prayers and reflections around this theme.
Opening music:
Deep peace of the rolling waves to you
Deep peace of the silent stars
Deep peace of the blowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth
Let peace, let peace, let peace fill your soul
May peace, may peace, may peace keep you whole.
Time: 8 minutes
Spend some time in silent prayer now, making the choice to gently move below the surface level of your thinking into the quiet depths of God's presence (you can choose between a guided time of prayer and a 20 minute time of simple silence below). If you find your mind wandering, gently let go of the surface level of your thoughts and allow yourself to surrender to the quiet depths of being held in the tenderness of God's Being.
Listen to the following music as an ending to the time of prayer:
Come now child, lay it down
Just breathe, just be,
Come be cradled in the arms of love,
Just breathe, just be.
Sacred Reading:
Read the following readings through twice or three times, with an attitude of open receptivity.
Reading 1: Psalm 57 paraphrase Part 1
Be merciful to me, O Beloved!
I return to Your sheltering embrace, opening my heart to You,
For You are the Source of the Love and Wisdom that I yearn for.
In the shadow of your wings I take refuge
Until the fears that bind me are transformed,
Losing their power as I find my stability in You.
I cry to the Source of all life,
To the Eternal One who brings wholeness and healing.
Send your Spirit to awaken me,
Put to rest all that keeps me in darkness.
The Beloved radiates loving kindness and faithfulness.
At night I lie in the midst of terrifying monsters,
Fears that threaten to overpower me;
They tighten the noose around me,
Trying to control my life.
My fears have woven a web around me,
Seeking to entrap me.
They live within me, fueled by my mind's narratives,
gnawing at my bones,
leaving me in a pit of suffering and despair.
But as I return to the refuge of quiet resting in Your presence,
this pit gives way, opening out into your embrace,
And I realise that I was never not held.
You, O Holy One, are the tender vastness
beyond the destructive fantasies of my mind.
There is no end to your spacious embrace,
And my heart sighs in gratitude and wonder when I remember this.
Reading 2: Loneliness, by Mary Oliver
I too have known loneliness.
I too have known what it is to feel
rejected, and suddenly
not at all beautiful.
Oh, mother earth,
your comfort is great, your arms never withhold.
It has saved my life to know this.
Your rivers flowing, your roses opening in the morning.
Oh, motions of tenderness!
For Further Reflection:
I encourage you to spend some time in further reflection on this theme. Below are quotes from the talk and some additional quotes for further reflection.
Thomas Merton: “if you descend into the depths of your own spirit . . . and arrive somewhere near the center of what you are, you are confronted with the inescapable truth that, at the very roots of your existence, you are in constant and immediate and inescapable contact with the Infinite power of God.”
James Finley: "In utter simplicity, we intuitively realize within ourselves that our existence, though truly our own, is to [the One] Who Is as the waves are to the sea, as the light is to the flame. Our prayer becomes our basking in this light, our being quietly warmed by it, our being consumed by it. Our prayer becomes our silent sinking in the sea of being that is at once God and ourselves."
Cynthia Bourgeault: "What really happens when one enters the cloud of unknowing, resting in God beyond thoughts, words, and feelings, is a profound healing of the emotional wounds of a lifetime. As these wounds are gradually surfaced and released in prayer (one simply lets them go non-possessively, rather than retaining them for inspection as in psychoanalysis), more and more the false self weakens and the true self gradually emerges."
Cynthia Bourgeault: "We ourselves are not the source of that hope; we do not manufacture it. But the source dwells deep within us and flows to us with an unstinting abundance, so much so that in fact it might be more accurate to say we dwell within it. The story comes to mind of the little fish swimming up to its mother, all in a panic: “Mama, Mama, what’s water? I gotta find water or I’ll die!” We live immersed in this water, and the reason we miss it is not that it is so far away but, paradoxically, so close: more intimate to us than our being itself. The term I will use to describe this embodying fullness is “the Mercy.” It is the water in which we swim. Mercy is the length and breadth and height and depth of what we know of God—and the light by which we know it. You might even think of it as the Being of God insofar as we can possibly penetrate into it in this life, so that it is impossible to encounter God apart from the dimension of mercy."
Ocean of Love
I'm letting go now, Beloved One,
of all my narrow categories,
my rigid way of looking at others.
Make me loose with compassion,
willing to float, willing to drown
in Your delicious sea of Love.
- Hafiz
Ending Prayer: (Psalm 57 paraphrase Part 2)
O Beloved One, I am learning to trust your holding embrace,
and so my heart grows steadfast and resilient,
learning new songs of hope and courage.
I cannot help bursting with gratitude,
spilling out my wonder at your faithful, healing presence.
Your steadfast love that fills the universe
has made a home in my heart.
May all of humanity be freed from our small prisons of suffering and isolation,
To grasp the wonder of your endless, boundary-less love,
Filling this whole earth with your radiant presence, and abundant life.
Ending music:
I have watched you child,
Holding on to what you think will save you.
And though you hear me calling at your name, You won't let go.
I know you know the words, "I will never leave you or forsake you"
But you live as if you still believe your all alone,
The grip that hold you tight that takes up all your time,
Keeps you from believing what I say--
You cannot go below my resting arms,
No matter how fast or far you fall,
No matter how lost you have become,
My embrace is wider than the sun.
So let go of what keeps you in the past and fall into these arms that call you back.
No matter how much you have been harmed,
You cannot go below my resting arms.
Of what are afraid, has your vision come to be so narrow,
That you believe in only what you see and nothing more!
I know you know my heart.
I embrace the lily and the sparrow.
Whoever thought you different does not know how much I love you.
Beyond the tears you cry in those hopeless eyes,
My welcome waits to gently hold you tight.
CH. You cannot go below my resting arms,
No matter how fast or far you fall,
No matter how lost you have become,
My embrace is wider than the sun.
So let go of what keeps you in the past and fall into these arms that call you back.
No matter how much you have been harmed,
You cannot go below my resting arms.
Do you know that my love can sustain you and that I will never leave your side?
Release the hold from anything that claims you,
And live your life your life while you are held in mine.
CH. You cannot go below my resting arms,
No matter how fast or far you fall,
No matter how lost you have become,
My embrace is wider than the sun.
So let go of what keeps you in the past and fall into these arms that call you back.
No matter how much you have been harmed,
You cannot go below my resting arms.
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Sharon's book that was previously called "Contemplative Living" has been republished by AnamChara Books under the title "Deeper: Finding the Depth Dimension Beneath the Surface of Life". The Kindle version is available from Amazon, and the hard copy version can be ordered from or Takealot, or from your local bookshop through Ingram Distribution.