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Previous Silent Sundays

I place my hand over my mouth

The invitation for this silent Sunday is to have a break from all the voices, thoughts, opinions and commentary that are going on around and within us, and to listen at a deeper level in quietness and trust to the beckoning of the Holy One. I invite you to join in with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections around this theme.

The Silence of the Heart

The theme for this silent Sunday is the silence of the heart, where we explore moving from our head-knowing to our hearts, and how this can deepen our way of being in God and participating in the creative unfolding of life. I invite you to open your hearts as we journey together, with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections to guide us through this theme.


The theme of this silent Sunday is Ruah, the Spirit, Breath and Wind of God. I invite you to join in with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections around this theme.

Learn from the lillies

The theme of this silent Sunday is the invitation to learn from the wild lillies, based on Matthew 6:25‭-‬29.  I invite you to join in with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections around this theme.

Held in Tenderness

In this Silent Sunday we will explore the theme of being held in tenderness beneath the surface turmoil of our minds. I invite you to join in with the music, readings, prayers and reflections around this theme.

Instinct for a loving God

In this silent Sunday we will explore our instinct for a loving God. I invite you to respond to the beckoning tenderness of God as you join in with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections around this theme.

Return to Silence

This silent Sunday is an invitation to return to silence. Our lives so quickly become filled with content, activity and noise, and with that we feel scattered, with a sense of heaviness or overwhelm. So I invite you to respond to the beckoning of God in the silence as you join in with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections around this theme.

Deep listening from the heart

The theme for this silent Sunday is deep listening from the heart. I invite you to open your hearts as we journey together, with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections to guide us through this theme.

Poor in spirit

This silent Sunday is a personal reflection on the beatitude from Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” I invite you to join in with the music, readings, quiet prayer and reflections around this theme.

Letting go

Here in the southern hemisphere it is Autumn, which is a beautiful reminder to learn from nature of letting go. This silent Sunday resource is going to be a bit different, in that I will be using very few words, and rather invite you to reflect deeply on one poem. So join me in praying with the music, poem, quiet prayer and reflection questions around this theme.

The Cosmic Dance

The theme we will explore in this Silent Sunday resource is titled The Cosmic Dance. I invite you to join in with the music, readings and reflections around this theme.

Spring Awakening Growth

The theme for this silent Sunday is Spring Awakening Growth. I invite you to join in with the music, readings and reflections around this theme.

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